Sunday, July 27, 2008

Breaking News

Butterworth: Blogger ckhoong was found sleep over night with an unknown guy in hotel.

“I just shock when I break into the room, I thought something bad was happening, but I saw two guys, naked and hugs together, sleeping like dead.” said the 50 year olds hotel managers, who refuse to gave his name. “I think they are tired after a night of ‘war’, heh…”

The two guys, who believes to be already having sexual intercourse are too tired and can’t get up to check out. The house keeper keep knocking the door but no body answered, he then inform the manager, manager then inform our reporter just incase something very bad happen like murder case…

After break into the room, the silly guys are still sleeping, our reporter is able to capture some picture from them and leave the room. Yet, they don’t know about everything happen!

A day later, our crews are able to interview some of the fellow bloggers of ckhoong, here is some opinion from them

Birdranger: 我认识他很久了,他的人真的很傻很天真。。。希望大家不要再伤害他。

SheeP-y-y: Omg...请大家不要用有色眼光看待他们...

Jinz: What is really happening to our class? Can't he masturbate himself? Is really disgusting to look at this, and I really disappointing his action, is it so necessary to find a guy and sodomy? Hoong.. please.. I sad for you, your mom, your friends, and your girl friend...

Weizz: well, i know this guy since a very long time ago, he is a bisexual. he told me that he is impotent and his girlfriend cannot fulfill his sexual desire. thus he gotta find someone to penetrate him, the only way to fulfill him. by the way, he said he tried many different size before, and he used to masturbate using test tube and it breaks inside his arse. i think he is getting more and more abnormal. somebody please send him to insane asylum. .. and i feel sorry to his girlfriend...

Keong: -Insert comment-

Sean: May God Bless, Amitabha ....

Kee: ………. *不回应?*